Each student in my daughter’s fifth grade class wrote a report on a state. Her state was Alaska, and she wrote about the usual topics. My husband let her in on many of his professional secrets of map-drawing. Naturally, I always try to get her interested in the things people make. Alaska’s earliest inhabitants continue a wonderful tradition of art and craft.

Since “visuals” counted for one quarter of the requirements for a grade of A, I thought it would be neat for Eva to craft something, rather than just relying on the usual pictures glued onto poster board. What could be better than a button blanket?! Northwest Coast Indians, including the Alaskan Tlingit, make and wear button blankets for ceremonial dances.

Eva designed a cat’s face in her interpretation of the style of a Tlingit button blanket. She sewed diligently until it was done. I knew it was important to collect mother-of-pearl buttons!

Alaska Report project by Eva