Navajo Churro knitted rug, in progress

The plan was to knit two ridges (four garter rows) of the rug per day. This was definitely doable.

I started just fine. Just to see what the next color would look like, I knitted a couple of extra ridges. The next color was only going to be one ridge in all, so I knitted that ridge, too.

The trouble with changing the color every couple of rows is that the color changes draw you in and you want to see how the pattern will look. So I kept knitting.

Then the mosaic pattern began to take shape, and I wanted to get to the next perceived milestone in the pattern, then to the middle of the pattern. I kept knitting and knitting.

Here I am, more than half way through the center section of the rug, having knitted 54 ridges. That’s 27 days’ worth of my schedule, which officially started on June 1st. My hands are sore, but I’m a happy knitter. I can hardly wait to knit the second half!

See, being off schedule doesn’t have to be bad news!