How Now Brown Cow 2 TextileFusion wall hanging

When I was a kid, my dad, Alan Thompson, would shake his head and say, “There’s a right way, a wrong way, and a Suzie way.”

I sure didn’t want to do anything the wrong way, and usually we already knew how to something the so-called right way. I wanted to try something new. That ended up being the Suzie way.

The Suzie way costs me a lot of time, as I often have to go back and do things the right way after all. But the Suzie way has led me to some good and interesting places. The knitted quilts I make, like the one above and the ones you can find by clicking the the Works tab above, are a result of doing things the Suzie way.

I know there are a lot of people out there like me, only you’re doing things ‘the Jane way,’ or the ‘Nancy way,’ or the ‘Eva way.’ I hope our ways will converge at this blog.

A Right Way, A Wrong Way, A Suzie Way

2022 UPDATE: For several years, starting in 2005, my blog banner was this bit of pink knitting with my dad’s quote on it. The buttons are handmade by me with polymer clay. Polymer clay is so much fun! I can play with it for hours and not notice the time passing. It lured me away from knitting and crochet for a while, but not too far. I always come back.